Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no external sound source is present. Tinnitus can take on any number of characteristics and is usually a sound that only you can hear. You can experience tinnitus that varies from soft to loud and from low to high pitch. Individuals describe their tinnitus in a number of ways, including a buzzing, clicking, … Read More
Research Linked to Common Dizziness Condition
If lying down or turning over in bed makes you feel dizzy, it could be an indication that you have a common dizziness condition called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV. This condition can have a major impact on quality of life, even though it is a benign. And even though BPPV isn’t life-threatening, it does increase the risk of … Read More
Five Common Hearing Aid Mishaps and How to Avoid Them
After caring for nearly 25,000 patients over 35 years, we’ve seen just about everything at Associated Audiologists. People drop their hearing aids in the toilet, down the sink, or they jump in a lake with them on. No matter what the case, the result can be lost or damaged hearing aids, leaving the wearer without their “ears,” often when they … Read More
Dizziness and Balance Basics
Our balance system is something most of us take for granted as long as we can walk, run or move without falling. Balance is controlled through signals to the brain from your eyes, the inner ear (vestibular system) and the sensory systems of the body, such as muscles, skin and joints. If any one of these systems fails to work … Read More
Is There a Connection Between Diabetes and Hearing Loss?
According to the American Diabetes Association, two of America’s most common health problems are diabetes and hearing loss. More than 34 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, and an estimated 34.5 million have some type of hearing loss. And, there may be some overlap between these two groups. Research has found that hearing loss is twice as common in … Read More
4 Must-Have Features in Your New Hearing Aids
You’ve noticed you’re having more and more problems hearing, but you haven’t done anything about it yet. If you’re not sure where to start, or what you need, you’re not alone. We’ll help you walk through the best way to find out if you have a hearing loss, and if you do, four features you should check for when shopping … Read More
Latest Hearing Aid Doesn’t Sound Like One—It Sounds Better!
Many people who wear hearing aids will tell you that even with the best technology, they still don’t hear like they used to. That’s because in the past, there hasn’t been a way to completely eliminate the “out of sync” sound for hearing aid wearers with mild to moderate hearing loss. The “tinny” or “artificial” sound of hearing aids, which … Read More
How Hearing Loss Impacts Relationships
If you’ve ever walked into your living room and have sworn the television was turned up loud enough to break the sound barrier, you’re not alone! Spouses and partners often are the first to notice a loved one’s hearing loss, especially when the TV volume is cranked up. Communicating with this person can be difficult and frustrating. You often have … Read More
Don’t Rock the Boat!
For many Midwesterners, summer is the perfect time to get out and enjoy area lakes, boating and fishing. But if you’re someone who suffers from dizziness or balance disorders, the thought of climbing aboard a boat may sound like a nightmare, instead of a vacation. In fact, according to a recent poll from the Vestibular Disorders Association, 55% of participants … Read More
10 Things We’ve Learned About Hearing Loss and Dizziness During the Pandemic
If someone had told you on New Year’s Day January 2020, that in a few short weeks the world would be facing a pandemic, the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a century, and that almost every business would be shut down to stop its spread, you probably would have laughed at them. Who could have predicted the past … Read More