What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorders can negatively impact the brain’s ability to interpret sounds, resulting in a frustrating listening experience for individuals with the condition. Better understanding of APD is needed, as well as possible treatment options. According to the Academy of Doctors of Audiology, auditory processing disorders (APDs) are referred to by many names: central auditory processing disorders, auditory perceptual disorders, … Read More

Assistive Listening Devices Improve Hearing in Complex Environments

sound assist

For individuals who need extra help hearing, remote microphones, such as the Widex Sound Assist, can help give hearing aids a boost, making sounds clearer. Here’s how these devices work and how they can help. Imagine you’re sitting in a noisy restaurant during happy hour with a group of friends. Someone tells a joke. You laugh and nod, like you … Read More

New Survey Shows Many People Don’t Use Assistive Listening Technology

A recent survey conducted by the Committee for Communication Access in America sheds new light on who uses assistive listening systems and why. Read on to learn more about these findings, as well as the types of assistive listening systems available to improve your listening experience. Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), assistive listening systems (ALS) … Read More