How Do I Know If I Have Hearing Loss?

  The holidays are over and the company has gone home. But did your interactions at family gatherings leave you wondering if you might have hearing loss? If so, you aren’t alone. The holidays and social gatherings are often when many people notice the first signs of hearing loss.

3 ways people react to their hearing loss

Hearing loss is a complex issue that can affect a person’s emotions and daily life in a profound way. It’s not only difficult for the person affected, but can be very challenging for family members and friends who don’t understand what the person might be going through.

4 reasons to take that hearing test

Like any health issue, hearing loss can be hard to face. Many people deny that they have hearing loss for years, according to the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. But avoiding your hearing loss or putting off testing and treatment can harm you socially, mentally, and physically.