Hearing Aid Buyers Beware

When it comes to hearing aids, the old adage applies: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” At Associated Audiologists, we are aware that many advertisers use misleading strategies marketed as deals. Here are some common claims to watch out for:

PITCH Encourages Hearing Loss Prevention

Ironically, one of the most dangerous threats to healthy hearing is sound itself. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 5.2 million children/adolescents aged 6-19 years have noise-induced hearing loss, and as many as 40 million adults aged 20 to 69 have suffered permanent damage to their hearing from noise exposure. That’s why the Academy of Doctors of … Read More

Balance Awareness Week

The week of Sept. 16-22 is Balance Awareness Week, a great time to call attention to the importance of good balance, especially as we age. Approximately one-third of those between 65 to 75 years of age report that dizziness and imbalance affect the quality of their lives. Often, dizziness or balance disorders can cause or contribute to falls.

Is Your Partner’s Hearing Loss Driving You Crazy?

If someone in your life has untreated hearing loss, you know living with them can be frustrating, difficult and exhausting. You often have to shout to be heard, repeat yourself frequently, and live with the TV blaring at top volume. Hearing loss can be extremely stressful for spouses, siblings, children, friends and colleagues. Often, information from these “communication partners” can … Read More

Hear Well, Age Well

September is Healthy Aging® Month, an annual health observance designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older. Originally introduced when the oldest baby boomers were about to turn 50, there now are over 76 million baby boomers, and the first of the 82.1 million generation X-ers reached 50 in 2015.

Tinnitus from A to Z: What It Is, and What You Can Do

One of the most commonly searched terms on the Internet related to hearing is tinnitus. Clearly, many people are bothered by what they perceive as ringing in their ears, crickets chirping, or a constant white noise. What most people don’t understand is what tinnitus is, and what they can do to reduce its bothersome symptoms.

The Connection Between Diabetes and Balance Disorders

People with diabetes over the age of 65 are three times more likely to be hospitalized in a given year for falls. That’s why preventing falls in this age group is important to help reduce declines in mobility, activity avoidance, loss of physical independence, and even death.

How Do You Know if You’re Hearing Your Best?

Do you wear hearing aids, but wonder if you’re hearing the best you can? You’re not alone. Consumer Reports indicates, based on real-ear probe-microphone measures, that two thirds of patients fit with hearing aids in the U.S. may have improperly fitting hearing aids.

Hearing Protection That’s Music to Your Ears

Noise-induced hearing loss can occur as the result of one single exposure to loud noise, like a rock concert, or exposure to loud noises over a lifetime. Though this problem is common, preventing hearing loss is critical to the ability to continue to hear and reduces the risk of hearing loss later in life.