Your hearing plays a major role in everything you do: your job, your personal life, and even your physical health and safety. Many people assume that some hearing loss isn’t a problem, or that they can simply “get by” asking people to repeat themselves or being unable to hear in daily situations.
4 things to know about age-related hearing loss
Age-related hearing loss affects nearly half of all adults over age 75, but despite its prevalence, age-related hearing loss is often misunderstood or under-recognized by those who experience it. In fact, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) says denial is the biggest barrier to hearing aid use.
Common myths about noise-induced hearing loss
People are exposed to a variety of noises every day. Power tools, the lawn mower running, and the radio in the car are a few examples of everyday sounds that all have the ability to damage hearing if they’re loud enough or if your exposure is long enough. This is known as noise-induced hearing loss, and it affects millions of … Read More
Degrees of hearing loss vary widely
Have you ever wondered why the hearing aid your spouse or neighbor wears doesn’t work for you too? It’s because hearing loss differs with each individual. It can appear anywhere on a spectrum from mild to severe, and doesn’t always affect both ears or have the same consequences. In short,there’s no one way to experience hearing loss – and there are many effective hearing aids that can … Read More
Hearing aids are a smart investment in your health
There’s no argument that hearing aids can be a big budget item, but when compared to other consumer electronics, they are an important investment proven to impact job performance, quality of life and health. If you have hearing loss, they are something you should not live without. So let’s compare the expense of hearing aids to something most of us think we can’t … Read More
How hearing aids are good for your health
Hearing loss can create a variety of problems and challenges in your life, but fortunately, hearing aid technology can improve or correct many of these issues. The benefits of hearing aids extend far beyond simply improving the quality of your hearing, making them an important factor for achieving good overall health.
5 facts about hearing aid technology
Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the United States, after heart disease and arthritis. This means most people may need to purchase hearing aids in their lifetime. Hearing aids of the past were often regarded as obtrusive, and many individuals refused to wear them in order to not draw attention to their disability. However, hearing aid … Read More
Hearing loss by the numbers (Infographic)
If you’re dealing with hearing loss, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Millions of Americans experience some form of hearing loss, and the causes — and treatments — vary widely.
Emotional stages of hearing loss
It takes time to overcome the emotional process involved when you’re dealing with hearing loss. To avoid alienating yourself from loved ones and social situations, it is important to address your symptoms of hearing loss as early as possible.
Ear health: how earwax protects your ears
Excessively or incorrectly cleaning your ears can do more harm than good for your ear health. Earwax is a valuable asset for maintaining the self-cleaning properties of the ear canal. The delicate ear structures are prone to damage when individuals probe their ears with cotton applicators or other small tools.