As we head into the post-holiday season and coldest months of the year, lots of us experience the “winter blues” — feeling down or depressed. But there could be another cause contributing to depression and other health problems: Hearing loss. For many people with hearing loss, social situations can become frustrating and even embarrassing when it’s difficult to hear. You … Read More
New Study Finds People Living in Rural Areas at Greater Risk of Hearing Loss
A new study has identified those who live in rural America at higher risk for hearing loss. Why? Probably because many in these areas work in industries that consistently expose them to loud noises, like agriculture, making prevention the best course of action. A study recently published in the journal Lancet Regional Health-Americas, is one of the first to estimate … Read More
10 Signs of Hearing Loss You Shouldn’t Ignore
Hearing loss can happen suddenly, in one ear or both. But in most cases, it’s just the opposite. Hearing loss is so gradual that many people don’t notice it until it’s reached the point where it’s tough to ignore. In fact, statistics show the average person waits seven years before seeking help with hearing loss, but treatment can be more … Read More
Do You Have Problems Hearing the Television?
One of the most common complaints we hear at Associated Audiologists is that the patient has problems hearing the television. In fact, the patient’s spouse or family often mentions that the volume is turned up so loud, the television can be heard throughout the house. For those without hearing loss, that can be annoying. For the person with hearing loss, … Read More
Troubled by Tinnitus?
Troubled by Tinnitus? Lots of people experience a sound in their ears that they might describe as buzzing, ringing, clicking, white noise or roaring, and that only they can hear. But what is it and what’s the cause? According to the American Tinnitus Association (ATA), what these people are experiencing is called tinnitus. It’s one of the most common health … Read More
New Year, New Hearing Aids?
As 2022 begins, it’s a good time to take stock of all aspects of your health, including your hearing. If you’ve never had your hearing tested and you are having problems hearing, now is a great time to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive hearing evaluation with a doctoral-level audiologist. The evaluation usually takes 60 to 90 minutes, and if … Read More
Who Has Tinnitus?
With more than 45 million Americans struggling with tinnitus, it’s one of the most common health conditions in the United States, according to the American Tinnitus Association (ATA). In fact, when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control conducted its last National Health and Nutritional Examinations Survey, the CDC included several questions on tinnitus to determine the full scope and severity … Read More
Audiology Awareness Month
If you think you might have a hearing loss, there are lots of ways to find out—from online hearing screenings to free in-person screenings to hearing checks at work. All of these screenings can give you an indication of whether you have a hearing loss, but their limitation is that they are only screenings. They aren’t comprehensive hearing evaluations, and … Read More
Do You Suffer from the Cocktail Party Effect?
Over the past year, you’ve probably had little reason to be at events where there are crowds or groups due to the pandemic. But as the economy opens back up and as you go to crowded restaurants or events, you may begin to notice you’re suffering from what’s known as the “cocktail party effect.” That’s when you have a hard … Read More
Tips to Overcome Hearing Challenges During Virtual Meetings
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, few workers used virtual meeting apps, such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom, but organizations and their employees quickly adapted to the need to continue conducting business in a safe environment that reduced the risk of exposure. Now a year into the pandemic, these virtual meetings have become a fixture for most workers. While … Read More