What Is Tinnitus and How Do I Know if I Have It?

You’ve just gone to a concert where the volume seemed over-the-top. When you returned home, you noticed a constant high-pitched hissing noise that didn’t stop. A few days later, you continued to notice the annoying hissing, especially when it’s quiet, like when you would lie down to go to sleep at night. You could live with it, but you hadn’t … Read More

Can a “Cup of Joe” Affect Your Hearing?

Coffee is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world, aside from water. It helps millions of people wake up first thing in the morning or stay awake during an afternoon slump. In fact, the caffeine that’s such an essential ingredient in coffee, is a natural substance that works by stimulating the brain and central nervous system, helping you stay … Read More

Misophonia—A Rare Sound Sensitivity Condition

According to the American Tinnitus Association, there’s a rare and selective sound sensitivity condition called misophonia. Translated, misophonia means, “hatred of sound.” The condition involves a chronic, abnormal negative emotional reaction to specific sounds. The most common triggers include those generated by the mouth (chewing gum or food, popping lips), the nose (breathing, sniffing, and blowing) or the fingers (typing, … Read More

Can Tinnitus be an Emergency?

Tinnitus, that hissing, roaring, humming or chirping that only you can hear, is not a disease, but rather a symptom of some other type of underlying health condition. For most, tinnitus is a chronic reaction in the brain often associated with hearing loss or ear conditions. But sometimes tinnitus is literally the “canary in the coal mine,” or the first … Read More

Does Marijuana (Cannabis) Use Relieve Tinnitus?

With the recent legalization of cannabis, first for medical and then for recreational use in both Missouri and Colorado, more and more individuals in the region are smoking and vaping the substance. But if you think using marijuana will help relax you and relieve tinnitus—that buzzing, clicking, ringing, white noise, and/or roaring sound that only you can hear, you could … Read More

Tinnitus Treatment

According to the American Tinnitus Association (ATA), ringing in your ears can be related to a number of conditions that occur in the auditory system, including earwax, ear infections, otosclerosis, vascular problems and circulatory disorders, and most often, noise-induced hearing loss. Tinnitus is so common, that nearly 25 million Americans report some level of tinnitus disturbance. That makes tinnitus one … Read More

Tinnitus Causes, Diagnoses and Treatments

Tinnitus is often described as ringing in the ears, but each individual’s experience with tinnitus is different. Some hear crickets chirping, some hear ringing, buzzing or whooshing, and others hear white noise or clicking. The common denominator for most people who experience tinnitus is that it is the perception of sound when no external sound source is present. It can … Read More

Is Tinnitus Worse at the Holidays?

If you’re hearing ringing in your ears this holiday season, but it’s not Christmas bells, it could be tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no external sound source is present. Tinnitus can take on any number of characteristics and is usually a sound that only you can hear. You can experience tinnitus that varies from soft to loud … Read More

What is This Ringing in My Ears and How Did I Get It?

Millions of individuals have a condition known as tinnitus. Tinnitus can range from a minor annoyance to a major disruption in an individual’s life. But what causes tinnitus and how do you get it? Here, we’ll answer some of the most common questions about tinnitus and sound sensitivity. What are tinnitus and sound sensitivity? Tinnitus is the perception of sound … Read More

Can Medications Cause Tinnitus?

According to the American Tinnitus Association, tinnitus is the perception of sound, such as whistling, buzzing, hissing, swooshing or clicking, where no actual external source exists. The condition is most often associated with hearing loss, but there are roughly 200 different health disorders that can cause tinnitus as a symptom. One of those problems can be the potential side effects … Read More