Test Your Balance and Stay Active!

Test your balance Associated Audiologists Overland Park

Falls can become more common with age. That’s why it’s important to talk with your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing a problem, check your balance and practice exercises to improve your balance and stay active. These 5 five strategies from the Vestibular Disorders Association can help you do just that! Anyone can fall at any age. But the fact is … Read More

Take Precautions to Prevent Slips and Falls this Winter

Woman In Pain Falling Over In Snowy On Slippery Street And Injuring Herself

Winter in the Midwest is here, and while it’s tough to predict whether this winter will be colder or snowier than usual, one thing is for sure—at some point temperatures will likely drop and it will be slick outside. Though that’s just a fact of life for most of us, for older adults or those who suffer from dizziness and … Read More

Balance Tests + Getting Accurately Diagnosed For Dizziness & Balance Disorders

Woman grimacing with hands on her head feeling headache & dizziness

How Imbalance Can Feel Dizziness and balance disorders can be difficult and frustrating conditions to diagnose for patients. One reason is because patients often have a difficult time describing their symptoms in a meaningful way to their healthcare providers. Vertigo is the most specific symptom many patients experience, and it has a specific definition—it is an illusion, or feeling, of … Read More