Every human being is unique. And when it comes to our hearing, we’re just as unique. Your hearing needs will always be different than those of another person. This is especially true when you’re living with hearing loss and when you need hearing aids.
You need unique hearing aids, ones programmed specifically for your needs.
Supporting Your Ears
Your hearing system is unique. No two people on the planet hear exactly alike. Changes over time to your ears and hearing is also unique—you won’t be exposed to the same factors as someone else. You might work in the same place or attend the same concerts, but you also have different factors affecting your hearing.
What it all boils down to is needing an individual solution for your hearing aids. Your hearing aids shouldn’t be the same as your friend’s, even if both aids use many of the same technologies. You may need a different feature, such as wind noise reduction, for your active lifestyle, while your friend may live a more sedentary lifestyle.
A Custom Fit
Your ears are also unique to you. They’re not shaped like anyone else’s. Today’s hearing aids can be molded to fit in your individual ears and canals. Most audiologists offer this service as part of a hearing aid purchase. They’ll fit you for your device. Your purchase might include an initial fitting, and several adjustments afterwards to make sure you’re getting the best possible fit.
The end result? Today’s hearing aids are more comfortable to wear than ever before!
Finding the Right Fit
An audiologist will help you get the right fit for your unique hearing aids. These devices will be perfectly fitted to your individual ear.
Your audiologist will also help you find a device to fit your lifestyle and your hearing needs. There are plenty of makes and models on the market, so trying to decide on your own can be a bit intimidating. Instead, ask your audiologist to help you determine which hearing aid features you need in a device, and which makes and models they recommend for someone like you.
Devices as Unique as You Are
At the end of this process, you’ll find the right fit and technology for your individual needs. You’ll have unique hearing aids custom-fit for your ears and your ears alone. Additionally, the devices will support your particular hearing loss needs, and you’ll likely be able to program them to your specifications.
You’ll also have devices with features to support your lifestyle, no matter what you like to do—whether it’s skiing down the side of a mountain or taking in a local play at the theater. Your unique hearing aids will help you hear your very best!
What are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment with the doctoral-level audiologists at Associated Audiologists.