Do I Need An Audiologist?

senior patient having hearing exam in special audio room

Being quarantined with close family these past few months has meant trying to communicate effectively, and for many the “togetherness” has highlighted communication challenges, especially hearing loss. Shortcomings you might have ignored before may have become more noticeable than ever, perhaps even annoying. And many people want to do something about it—but who can they turn to? The answer is … Read More

Should You Bring Your Family to Your Audiologist’s Appointment?

a family going to see their audiologist

Many people are very private about their medical care, and don’t want to share any information about their conditions or treatment. But when it comes to hearing loss, you might want to re-think that position. Many audiologists point out that it’s a good idea to bring those closest to you, whether that’s family or friends, to your appointment. Why? Because … Read More

Why Do People Avoid Wearing Hearing Aids?

It’s a proven fact that hearing aids work, and today’s hearing aids work better than ever thanks to advanced digital technology and features such as artificial intelligence, directional microphones and rechargeable batteries. So what’s stopping millions of Americans from wearing hearing aids? The average person waits five to seven years before seeking help. Is it the stigma associated with hearing … Read More

What’s the Difference Between an Audiologist and Other Doctors?

Difference between an audiologist and other doctors.

If you had a cough or a runny nose, would you go to a dentist? Probably not. Likewise, if you were having chest pains, you probably wouldn’t go to an orthopedic surgeon. You’d probably go to a hospital emergency room or a cardiologist. But lots of people are confused about who they should see if they think they have a … Read More

What is an Audiologist and Why Do I Need One?

October is audiology month

October is Audiology Awareness Month, which promotes awareness of the work audiologists do to help diagnose and treat hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness and balance disorders.  What is an Audiologist? An audiologist is a degreed professional who specializes in the diagnosis and non-medical treatment of hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders. Audiologists can:      Test hearing and balance    … Read More

Five Steps to Making Good Decisions about Your Hearing Care

    Three important values I learned from my parents are to work hard, be honest, and do what you say you are going to do. These values are critical for Associated Audiologists, Inc. and serve as the foundation for our company. I believe that relationships matter. If our relationships with patients aren’t built on trust, honesty, respect, and professionalism, … Read More

Could You Have Hidden Hearing Loss?

If you hear well in a quiet room, or when talking one-on-one with a friend or family member, but have problems hearing when the television is on in the background, or you’re trying to carry on a conversation in a crowded restaurant, you may actually have a condition that’s recently been described as hidden hearing loss, or HHL. Why HHL … Read More

What Kind of Doctor Should I See for Hearing Loss?

  If you had a tooth with a painful cavity, you wouldn’t try to fill it yourself; you’d go to a dentist. Likewise, if your leg was broken, you wouldn’t try to set the fracture yourself. You’d go to a hospital emergency room where you’d expect to see an orthopedic surgeon or an emergency room physician skilled in setting fractures. … Read More

How Do I Know If I Have Hearing Loss?

  The holidays are over and the company has gone home. But did your interactions at family gatherings leave you wondering if you might have hearing loss? If so, you aren’t alone. The holidays and social gatherings are often when many people notice the first signs of hearing loss.