You know the scene: someone is walking along the street, then they accidentally dropped their cellphone in a puddle. Or perhaps they were standing poolside, trying to get the perfect selfie. Or maybe they forgot to take their phone out of their pocket before they went wading into the lake. The ending is always the same: the phone doesn’t work anymore.
Most electronics don’t mix well with water, and this is true for your hearing aids. Luckily a damp hearing aid doesn’t mean it’s time for a new one. Read on to learn what will happen if you forget to take your hearing aids out before hopping in the shower.
Water, Water, Everywhere
Perhaps the first thing to do is accept your hearing aids will likely get wet at some point. Whether you forget to take them out before you jump in your above ground swimming pool or the shower, or you simply get caught in a rainstorm, you—and your hearing aids—will encounter some water.
The good news is that most hearing aid manufacturers recognize this reality! After all, the likelihood of your being able to keep hearing technology completely dry all the time is rather low.
With this in mind, most manufacturers have designed their hearing technology to withstand at least some moisture. After all, your hearing aids wouldn’t be worth much if they couldn’t stand up to even a light drizzle!
Head above Water
While most of today’s hearing technology is designed to withstand at least a little bit of wateryou still want to take precautions. Sure, your hearing aids might work after you take a shower, but it’s still not something that’s good for them, nor something you want to do on a frequent basis.
When your hearing devices encounter water,the first thing to do is stay calm. If you take precautions after your hearing aids get wet, you can likely keep them in good working condition.
Remove Batteries
If your hearing aids get wet, the first thing you should do is take the batteries out. Moisture causes batteries to corrode, which means they won’t work any longer. Worse, corroded batteries could cause additional damage to hearing technology. It’s better to replace a battery than the whole hearing aid!
Air Dry
The next thing you should do, once you’ve removed the batteries, is wipe up any excess water. You won’t be able to dry out every component of the hearing aid this way, so your best bet is to leave the battery door open and allow the device to air dry. Most devices should be dry within 24 to 48 hours. If the device still isn’t working after that time, you may need to replace it.
Hearing Aid Dryers and Desiccants
If you lead an active lifestyle or if you live in a humid climate, you may have had a hearing aid dryer recommended to you as part of routine care for your devices. Dryers are a great investment for just about anyone who uses hearing technology—whether you go swimming on a daily basis or just live in a coastal climate. It’s handy to be able to dry your devices when you need to.
Desiccants are substances that absorb water, such as silica gel. They can be used as an alternative to a hearing aid dryer. While not as effective, they can be useful in drying out wet hearing aids in a pinch.
Don’t panic if your hearing aids got wet and you have neither dryer nor desiccant on hand, however. Your grandkids probably solved their soaked-phone problem by tossing the device in a bag of uncooked rice. Rice will draw out all of the moisture, leaving the device ready to use. And just as this trick works for cellphones, it works for your hearing aids too.
No at-home remedy is ever as effective as a visit to the professionals, however. Book an appointment with Associated Audiologists online or on the phone (1-855-547-8745) to learn how to care for your hearing aids and what level of water resistance matches your lifestyle.