8 Do’s and Don’ts for Hearing Aid Batteries


You want to get the most out of your hearing aids, and that means you need your hearing aid batteries to perform their best as well. After all, you will not hear very well if the batteries in your device are dead or not working right. Here are 8 do’s and don’ts that will help you take care of your hearing aid batteries so you can keep powering your devices.

1. Do: Purchase High-Quality Batteries

If you have ever used low-grade batteries in any device, you may have noticed that they tend to die sooner. They’re also more prone to problems.

Since you rely on your hearing aid to ensure you hear your best, invest in a high-quality, professional-grade battery. The difference in batteries can actually affect the performance of your hearing aid.

2. Do: Store Batteries at Room Temperature

Some people believe they need to store their batteries in the fridge or a cool place. However, putting your batteries on ice won’t prolong their life. You may actually damage them. That can lead to lower performance, a shorter lifespan, or even leaks. Putting your batteries in direct sunlight isn’t much better for them. That goes for storing the batteries anywhere too warm as well—putting them right over a heater or a radiator is likely going to cause damage.

Where should you store your batteries then? A cupboard or drawer is likely a good place, provided it’s dry and room temperature. Store your batteries this way to ensure you get the best possible performance.

3. Do: Turn Your Hearing Aids off at Night

Want to make sure your batteries last a little longer? Turn your hearing aids off at night. When you’re trying to sleep, you probably don’t want to hear every little creak or crack. As a result, turning you hearing aids off can help you sleep better. It also helps conserve the batteries, which means you need to replace them less often—and that your batteries will work when you really need them to, such as when you’re engrossed in conversation!

4. Don’t: Store Batteries Near a Magnetic Field

Yes, there’s a magnetic field around the entire planet, so you can’t escape this entirely. But storing your batteries near, say, a magnet or a computer can adversely affect their performance due to the effects of the magnetic field. Keep batteries stored away from other devices that could cause an adverse effect.

5. Do: Carry Spares!

No matter what you do, it’s likely that your hearing aid battery will eventually die in the middle of something important—this could be a big vacation or an important conversation. Keep spare batteries on hand for this occurrence.

6. Do: Peel the Sticker Back

Peeling the sticker back exposes the battery contacts. When exposed to air for about 60 seconds, this actually charges the batteries! That means you can get anywhere from 25 to 50 percent more life out of your hearing aid batteries.

7. Do: Get a Battery Tester

These devices can be very inexpensive, and even the most affordable model is better than none. They allow you to check your batteries’ performance, which can help you ensure that you are getting the most out of both the battery and your hearing aid.

8. Do: Open the Battery Door

Opening up the battery door completely allows the battery contacts to stay dry. That, in turn, preserves their life—which means they can power your hearing aid longer and more effectively.

Associated Audiologists sells a full line of professional batteries. These batteries are specifically designed to power the features of advanced hearing aids, and typically last longer than batteries purchased online or at a big box store. Call 913-498-2827 for more information about our batteries.