How Can I Make Sure I’m Using the Best Hearing Aid Batteries?

Choosing a hearing aid is a difficult task for many people. After all, there are many different makes and models, and seemingly all of them have different features.  Perhaps an overlooked but important task is choosing a hearing aid battery. There are many options, and some are better choices than others. Of course, you want to be sure you’re selecting … Read More

Top 6 Advantages of Wireless Hearing Aids

  As technology improves, so too do hearing aids. While many people still have plenty of misconceptions about these devices, the truth is that they’re rapidly improving, thanks to ever-advancing technology.  One of the best recent advances has been the advent of wireless hearing aid technology. There are advantages for users of these devices. If you need a hearing aid … Read More

Widex Hearing Aids: 5 Amazing Features of Beyond

  Trying to select a hearing aid is a tall order for most people. There are so many different manufacturers and so many different models with different features that picking one can be a little overwhelming. How can you be sure you’re getting a model that truly helps you hear your best? 

Sudden Hearing Loss Causes & Symptoms

Sudden hearing loss can be dramatic and worrisome. In some cases, it represents a medical emergency. In many instances, however, people do not seek treatment for their sudden hearing loss, resulting in permanent damage to the affected ear.  In other cases, even when prompt care is given, it may not be possible to determine the cause of sudden hearing loss, … Read More

4 Ways Hearing Aids Will Improve Your Daily Life

  Many people need hearing aids. However, many Americans with hearing loss do not invest in hearing technology. One of the most common reasons is that people think they get along “just fine” without help.  One of the first responses people have when they try a hearing aid for the first time, however, is complete amazement: They cannot believe how … Read More

8 Do’s and Don’ts for Hearing Aid Batteries

  You want to get the most out of your hearing aids, and that means you need your hearing aid batteries to perform their best as well. After all, you will not hear very well if the batteries in your device are dead or not working right. Here are 8 do’s and don’ts that will help you take care of … Read More

Why You Need to Take Sudden Hearing Loss Seriously

  Most people envision hearing loss as a slowly evolving issue, developing over years or even decades. And for many people, that is how it progresses: It begins slowly and gradually becomes worse. Loss of hearing even happens naturally with age. For that reason, many people delay treating a loss of hearing, even if they suspect that their hearing is … Read More

Understanding the Real Cost of Hearing Loss

  People have many reservations about hearing aids, and sometimes the price tag plays a big role in someone’s hesitancy. That hesitation alone can lead many who have hearing loss to deny that they need a hearing aid. However, there are also other factors in a person’s reluctance to invest in hearing aid technology. The problem, of course, is that … Read More

The Simple Guide to Hearing Aids Made for iPhone

  As technology has advanced, so have hearing aids. Many of today’s devices incorporate technological advances, such as wind reduction and noise cancellation features. Other devices allow you to shift automatically between programs or have directional microphones that allow you to track a conversation with more ease. The idea behind all of these innovations is to make hearing aids more … Read More

Why Hearing Loss Requires Custom-Fit Solutions

  Your hearing is as individual as your fingerprint: no two people will ever hear exactly the same way. And that means that even when you have the same type or extent of hearing loss as someone else, your hearing is still different than anyone else’s. That’s right,even your hearing loss is unique! That means you need a custom-fit solution … Read More